Wellbeing Has No Boundaries: Supporting Health in Tanzania

Wellbeing Has No Boundaries: Supporting Health in Tanzania

University of Notre Dame Nursing Practicum in Tanzania

 Roogenic is all about supporting health and happiness and there are no boundaries for those values, with everyone around the world deserving the best quality of life.

In 2018 we were pleased to make donations towards a fundraiser for the University of Notre Dame Nursing Practicum in Tanzania and we are so happy to see the inspirational work that has flourished since then.

All funds raised were redirected through donations to an orphanage, medical supply donations in the rural towns of Kisarawe, Masaki and Masanganya as well as the largest contribution towards ‘Days for Girls’ packs to the young girls in rural schools within the Dar es Salaam region.

Pictured above and wrapped in colourful fabrics are the Days for Girls POD (Portable Object of Dignity) that contains a simple and clever re-usable solution for women and girls to carry on their lives with freedom and dignity during their cycles.

The following photos are from the Masangaya Medical Supply Donation and a visit to an orphanage. Everyone is entitled to a healthy and happy life and it is with full hearts and a global outlook that we can work together to achieve strong and positive change.

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