As a new mother, you’re probably as ecstatic as you are exhausted. You’re also most likely googling things you never thought you’d Google. Things like… “Can I drink/eat X while breastfeeding” or “lactation tea”.
New mothers can put quite a bit of pressure on themselves when it comes to caring for their little ones. It’s no wonder that many women who are breastfeeding are worried about producing just the right amount of milk. One very simple solution to improve lactation is to drink our brand new breastfeeding tea.
Find out everything you need to know about Roogenic Nursing Tea, a caffeine-free brew is designed with Hibiscus, fenugreek seeds and other wholesome plants that are known to support breastfeeding.
Why all new mothers should drink Roogenic Nursing Tea
Our Nursing Tea can be consumed several times a day in the postpartum period. Designed together with our Naturopath, this blend contains herbs and plants that have been shown to increase milk supply in new mothers.
- Hibiscus has been proven to help with milk production and fatigue by replenishing nutrients.
- Fenugreek seeds have long been used by women to improve lactation and have been proven to help with milk production.
- Goats Rue is said to help the liver, the adrenal gland, and digestion and it has been proven to help with milk production.
- Moringa is popular for its nutrient content as well as its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and has been proven to help with milk production.
- Nettle leaf has been proven to help with replenishing iron levels and vitamin B12, nutrients associated with fatigue.
Roogenic Nursing Tea also keeps you hydrated, which is essential for milk production. You can drink as much as you’d like (since it has no caffeine), hot or cold - you’ll love the delicate floral aroma with subtle fruity notes.